Friday, April 23, 2010

our website

It's become increasingly clear to me that our website serves a very important function.  And that function is to keep us all connected throughout the week.  Unfortunately, being as I'm the webmaster, designer, content creator, etc. it's pretty hard to do consistently.  So I'm gonna open it up.  We're creating a section on our website called "Student Life" and the idea is to open it up so that you guys can contribute content to the website.  We want you guys to write about what God is doing in your life.  All submissions will be subject to approval of course, and each article you write will be accompanied by a photograph.

The big question is why?

Because I believe in stories. A story gives life to the change within your heart. A story illustrates that Jesus is alive and well in our hearts and lives.  A story is proof that God is working.  So what if we were to gather all our stories in one place? How awesome would it be to leave a trail of evidence behind... the evidence of God working?

I hope that as we continue our spiritual journeys together, that you would take some time to think about your story; your life with God.  If you could tell it... how would it go? What would you say?


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