Monday, August 24, 2009

New Year's Eve

So in the JH ministry, we have 2 "new year" celebrations. One is in January, and the other is always September. This year, it's the last week of August. So this is our first New Year's Eve of the new 2009/2010 school year. And by "eve", I really mean week. So in preparation for our official New Year's Day (Sunday, August 30th), we have a 6th Grade Welcoming Event coming up. It's going to be a really awesome chance for us to get to know them, talk to them, participate in games with them, etc.

So how are we preparing? I already told you guys we're going to be a doing a skit for them. But we're also going to do some physical labor for them, and lastly, we're going to make direct contact. What does that mean?

You'll find out if you show up this Wednesday, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. See you then!


Thursday, August 20, 2009


So I saw this video on YouTube about the Big Bang Theory.


Now... if this is so easy to believe... how come believing in God seems ridiculous? How in the world is this easier to believe than God? Crazy scientists.

